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Custom Software

Past Projects

Here are some of the software projects that I have worked on through my own company over the years. For a more complete list refer to my resume.

As I work on a project I move as much code as possible into generic libraries which can then be reused for other projects. You can find more information on this on the Modular Software page.



I have always been passionate about flying helicopters. You can find out more about that here... 

So what happens when you combine a electronic/software engineer with a helicopter pilot? You get someone who can see new ways of combining different types of technology.

Years ago I developed HeliNav, a new navigation system for helicopters and tiltrotor aircraft such as the Bell/Boeing V-22 and Bell/Augusta 609. The software was all written in C++. It dynamically computed - in flight - the routes and all obstacle clearance requirements, using the GPS position of the aircraft, Digital Terrain Models (DTMs), and obstacle databases.

Bell/Augusta BA609 Tiltrotor

HeliNav Digital Terrain Model (DTM) 3D Image

HeliNav Navigation Channel 3D Image

At the time it was described by the FAA as the most comprehensive and complete system that they had seen to date. It culminated in an invitation to Washington DC by the FAA, where I put on presentations to FAA, NASA, and various industrial groups in 1996.

Unfortunately through having a New Zealand registered company I was unable to secure funding, and the project died.

This project was way ahead of its time. In the years since companies such as Garmin have developed similar technologies for use in aviation.

HeliNav Block Diagram

Computerized Enroute Procedure Generation


Downloadable Applications for PCs

The internet has provided an incredible mechanism for small software developers anywhere in the world to reach a mass market.

I responded to this opportunity by developing a number of small applications which were sold over the internet as downloads. This included products such as Time Zones for PCs® and Remote Control for PCs.

Remote Control for PCs allowed you to access your office or home computer while on the road.

Time Zones for PCs® allowed individuals and businesses to see the CORRECT local time anywhere in the world (there are around 252 individual time zones in the world, and there are changes to the various daylight saving rules around the world almost every week - so it is not trivial if it is done properly). It also allowed people to plan ahead and coordinate times for international conference calls.

For a number of years it sold reasonably well, with customers including Boeing, MasterCard Europe, E! Entertainment Television, Raytheon, and even the US Strategic Command.

Due to market changes I am no longer actively maintaining these products, but they are still available as free downloads.

For more information visit:

Time Zones for PCs


Entertainment / Marketing Software

Are you a company looking for a new way to market your products to your customers?

To fulfil this need I developed PC based entertainment / marketing software under the name of Musical Vision. It combines animated sequences of images, set to music, that companies can give to clients on a USB Flash Drive, or download from their websites. I wrote this in C++ under Windows, using Microsoft Visual Studio (MVS).

Humane Society
(Pet Adoption)
Rotors of the Rockies Jim Reed Subaru Digital Fine Art
by Brushstrokes®

For more information visit 


e-Business Tool Suite

Over time I evolved the supporting software for my software products into a fully modular e-Business tool suite. This is all built in C++ and runs on my Linux servers.

e-Business Tool Suite Software The system automatically performs all business functions:
  • sales
  • online payment processing
  • generation of invoices, receipts, and credits
  • customer account management
  • periodic rebilling for subscriptions
  • interfaces to QuickBooks for the back-end accounting tasks

I've learned to rely heavily on technology to perform all the routine tasks. This allows me to be more productive and spend more of my time on what I do best.